Sunday, 28 August 2011


Life's goal post's are like a desert mirage, just when you think you've finally got them focused, in perspective & in sight, the bastard's move or dissapear altogether....

Another musing led me to post the following on Facespace (facebook)
"You may interpret it as an 'excuse', I mean it as an 'explanation'!
Gen whY vs. Baby Boomer perspective....."

Monday, 8 August 2011

Hello World.....

*disclaimer**this is MY blog, so, if you don't like the language f*** off & have a nice day!*

Testing.... 1, 2.......

Ok, ok - caving in to the demands (requests, shouts, pleads, extortions, facespace comments, text & emails) that I start sharing MHO with the WWW
ATM I am attempting to resuscitate my tower PC (am on the reliable dinosaur laptop)
& playing catch me if you can with the Big Pain (BigPond) wireless 3G internet connection. (FYI I live in the sticks) Therefore I am sighing for the golden olden days of slow but reliable copper dial-up connection. Only on this giant rock do they run a fibreoptic cable out the front door of 1000's of remote residences & not have any way of allowing us to use it. About as bloody pointless as the  one way freeway in the southern suburbs....(i'm not joking about the freeway, it actually exists)

Rant over (for now) as the BB (black beast, bloody bastard) of a tower PC is about to send me into an epileptic fit with it's flashing lights, prompting (demanding) me to attend to it. It's as demanding as what I imagine having a rug rat would be like....

Wish me luck on my reinstall, I think i'm going to need it....